MirrorImage, the advanced check-imaging solution developed by Jaguar Software is comprised of a suite of easy-to-use yet technologically advanced application modules. These powerful and affordable modules can be purchased as a bundle or separately, depending on your specific requirements. The functionality and flexibility built into the MirrorImage system enables you to seamlessly expand your capabilities and migration options as your institution’s needs evolve.

MirrorImage interfaces with a variety of item processing transports including NCR, Canon, Unisys, Panini, Digital Check, and Seac Banche to allow institutions flexibility in selecting from a wide range of transport capabilities and costs. The modularity of the MirrorImage system allows you to configure a system that not only meets your needs today but will also be able to grow as the needs of your institution change in years to come.

The MirrorImage system can be configured to handle several different item processing environments including (but not limited to):
Remote Deposit System
Proof of Deposit System
Branch Capture System
Payment Processing System
Microfilm Replacement System
Federal Reserve Image Archive System
Back-End Check Imaging System

In each of the environments above there are several processing technologies that can be focused around company requirements:
CAR/LAR (Courtesy Amount Recognition / Legal Amount Recognition)
IQA (Image Quality Assurance)
OCR (Optical Character Recognition)
ICR (Intelligent Character Recognition)
Barcode Reading
ICL (Image Cash Letter)
IRD Print
CD/DVD Archive